ScanSource Reporting
Using our APIs your development resources can design and implement custom reporting requirements for you. We understand that may not always be an option. For that reason, contact your ScanSource sales team to learn more about our reporting platforms available to you. Depending on your business, our teams can offer a solution tailored to your technology vertical.
Examples are master product data, recurring customer post card, and carrier tracking reports.
Master Product File
A nightly file is published with the basic product data needed to seed a database or create items. The file contains data points or part number, supplier, description, MSRP and availability. Couple the master file
FTP Server:
Username: scsc_linecard
Password: 1line-card
File Name: master.txt
Hourly Inventory File
A master hourly inventory file is published each weekday. Look for a new file 30 minutes passed the hour starting at 9 am EST.
File Name: InventATP1710.txt